The key event of the 18th International exhibition of automotive industry is the round table Quality Management of Automotive Industry Supplier Organizations and Its Assessment under Sanctions

12 2023

The 18th International exhibition of automotive industry InterAuto will be held August 22 through 25 at Crocus Expo. The round table Quality Management of Automotive Industry Supplier Organizations and Its Assessment under Sanctions will be held within the frames of the exhibition.

The event has been initiated and organized by the Association of Russian Automakers NP (OAR) together with the in the Central scientific research automobile and automotive engine institute (NAMI).

The round table will discuss the development of a voluntary certification system in the Russian Federation and quality management systems for automotive industry organizations in modern conditions.

Key topics >>.

Representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, Rosstandart, Rosaccreditation, manufacturers of automotive equipment, suppliers of automotive components and materials, certification bodies are invited to participation.

Moderator of the round table is B.V. Kisulenko, Chairman of the Technical Committee of the OAR Association, Advisor to the General Director of the Central scientific research automobile and automotive engine institute (NAMI), Doctor of Technical Sciences.

Please register online at the official website Association of Russian Automakers for you to attend the round table.

See you August 22 through 25 at Crocus Expo!